費爾智慧防毒 8 全新換代
什麼是 費爾智慧防毒?費爾智慧防毒8是費爾歷時長達5年精心打造的以智慧為核心的新一代反病毒產品(原名:費爾托斯特安全),30餘項技術突破與革新,集主動防禦、虛擬機、啟發、基因、黑盒、回滾、雲端安全等幾乎所有目前一流安全技術於一身,擁有強大的防禦能力。令人驚奇的精準回滾,震撼的多媒體動畫交互介面和語音控制將帶給您與眾不同的使用體驗。 功能亮點
Filseclab is the perennial battler, detection rates were pretty decent, with good levels in the response sets and a good start to the RAPs too, earning the product a 'solid' rating.
(整體評價) 費爾是一個常年參與測試的鬥士,它對惡意樣本集一直擁有相當高的檢出率,並且在RAPs(新威脅)測試中也有非常好的表現,所以它贏得了「穩固」的評級。 Well, it's still doing great considering it's only heuristics and no signatures. It seems to be detecting over 60% of our samples - better than some signature scanners! (純啟發評價) 在沒有病毒碼僅靠啟發的情況下它的表現依然很棒,在我們的惡意樣本集中它的檢出率超過了60%(幾乎沒有誤判),這甚至要好過某些特徵碼引擎。 - 英國VB100評測
Your program software are well known and it's for that reason we would like to have a full version for our readers. Twister Antivirus will be interesting program, we will include you program in the CD-ROM magazine, with a space on the covermount CD and on the cover also.
![]() ![]() 用戶評價
I can not stop talking to my friends how pleased I am with Twister. Before I decided to try your product, I tried Norton, Avast, McAfee, Kaspersky, and I do not remember a couple others more which. I tried them on a badly infected computer. At the last I gave Twister a try and found another 12 Trojans/virus left over after all the other programs finished scanning and repairing the computer. That was enough for me to buy 3 twisters.
我無法停止向我的朋友炫耀我擁有費爾防毒。在我決定嘗試你們的產品之前,我嘗試了諾頓、Avast、McAfee、卡巴斯基,和更多我已經記不清的防毒軟體。我在一個被嚴重感染的電腦中嘗試它們,隨後我嘗試了費爾,它又發現了其他所有防毒軟體都沒有發現的12個木馬/病毒並且修復了我的電腦,這就足夠讓我買了3套費爾。 - John Papazoglou
* 3年/1電腦授權:是指您有權在1台電腦上安裝使用本產品,並且從第一次啟動開始起3年內有效。有效期內您可以持續獲得產品的數據更新和功能更新,在整個服務期間內您需要接受費爾產品的使用許可協議。產品的功能在服務期間可能會被新增,修改,或刪除。 * 終身:是指本產品的使用授權沒有期限,只要費爾之盾公司存在並且持續提供本產品的更新服務,您就可以持續獲得產品的數據更新和功能更新。 |