Twister Antivirus 8.17 Released

Jul 10, 2013 16:30

Twister Antivirus updated to 8.17 today, the following are main improvements:

  1. Solved all of confirmed driver bugs.
  2. Solved sometime the service does not auto start issue.
  3. Solved sometime Windows Security Center does not get state issue.
  4. Solved occasional missing files issue while clean threats.
  5. Solved one bug while repair file.
  6. Solved sometime cannot auto upgrade issue.
  7. Fixed sometime the service auto stop issue.
  8. Removed "All objects" option in custom scan, prevents unintended quarantine scan.
  9. Adjusted objects from limits to unlimited in custom scan.
  10. Adjusted the service startup mode and configuration, improves efficiency.
  11. Adjusted the display of real-time scan, long file name is automatically abbreviated to ensure that no cross-border.
  12. Adjusted news cache to solve sometime the same message repeatedly prompted.
  13. Solved the "Smart Security (Lite)" skin, tool's icon shows dislocation problem.*
  14. Added license key can be renewed.
  15. Added shows more information for easy confirms computer while deactivating.
  16. Integrated the latest virus database, fixed all of confirmed false positives.
To obtain the latest improvements please re-download the installation package, or online update.

* Means that only re-download and install software before your get it.
